Research papers:
34. "Heterogeneous distribution of kinesin-streptavidin complexes revealed by mass photometry", J. Xu (*), N. Brown (G), Y. Seol, K.C. Neuman, Soft Matter, 20, 5509 (2024) Soft Matter G: Graduate student, Xu lab *: Correspondence ![]()
33. "Highly sensitive mapping of in vitro type II topoisomerase DNA cleavage sites with SHAN-seq", I. L. Morgan, S. J. McKie, R. Kim, Y. Seol, J. Xu, G. Harami, A. Maxwell, K.C. Neuman, Nucleic Acids Res., 52, 9777 (2024) Nucleic Acids Research |
32. "Cholesterol in the cargo membrane amplifies tau inhibition of kinesin-1-based transport", Q. Li (G), J.T. Ferrare, J. Silver, J.O. Wilson (G), L. Arteaga-Castaneda (UG), W. Qiu, M. Vershinin, S.J. King, K.C. Neuman, J. Xu (*), Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 120, e2212507120 (2023) PNAS
G: Graduate student, Xu lab UG: Undergraduate student, Xu lab *: Correspondence |
31. "Tuning ensemble-averaged cargo run length via fractional change in mean kinesin number", J.O. Wilson (G), A. Zaragoza (UG), J. Xu (*), Phys. Biol., 18, 046004 (2021) PubMed G: Graduate student, Xu lab UG: Undergraduate student, Xu lab *: Correspondence |
30. "Cargo diffusion shortens single-kinesin runs", J.O. Wilson (G), D.A. Quint (*), A. Gopinathan (*), J. Xu (*), Sci. Rep., 9, 4104 (2019) PubMed G: Graduate student, Xu lab *: Correspondence |
29. "A fluid membrane enhances the velocity of cargo transport by small teams of kinesin-1", Q. Li (G), K.F. Tseng, S.J. King, W.H. Qiu, J. Xu (*), J. Chem. Phys., 148, 123318 (2018) PubMed G: Graduate student, Xu lab *: Correspondence |
28. "Native kinesin-1 does not preferentially bind to GTP-rich microtubules in vitro", Q. Li (G), S.J. King, J. Xu (*), Cytoskeleton, 74, 356 (2017) PubMed G: Graduate student, Xu lab *: Correspondence |
27. "Heterogeneity in kinesin function", B.J.N. Reddy, S. Tripathy, M. Vershinin, M. Tanebaum, J. Xu, M. Mattson-Hoss, K. Arabi, D. Chapman, T. Doolin, C. Hyeon, S.P. Gross, Traffic, 18, 658 (2017) Journal link |
26. "Single Molecule Investigation of Kinesin-1 Motility Using Engineered Microtubule Defects", M.W. Gramlich, L. Conway, W.H. Liang (UG), J.A. Labastide, S.J. King, J. Xu (*), J.L. Ross (*), Sci. Rep., 7, 44290 (2017) PubMed UG: undergraduate student, Xu lab *: Correspondence |
25. "Understanding the role of transport velocity in biomotor-powered microtubule spool assembly", A.J. Tan, D.E. Chapman, L.S. Hirst, J. Xu (*), RSC Adv., 6, 79143 (2016) Journal link *: Correspondence |
24. "Quantitative Determination of the Probability of Multiple-Motor Transport in Bead-Based Assays", Q. Li (G), S.J. King, A. Gopinathan, J. Xu (*), Biophys. J., 111, 2720 (2016) PubMed G: Graduate student, Xu lab *: Correspondence |
23. "Microtubule defects influence kinesin-based transport in vitro", W. Liang (UG), Q. Li (G), K M Faysal (G), S.J. King, A. Gopinathan, J. Xu (*), Biophys. J., 110, 2229 (2016) PubMed UG: Undergraduate student, Xu lab G: Graduate student, Xu lab *: Correspondence |
22. "A Simple Experimental Model to Investigate Force Range for Membrane Nanotube Formation", C. Lor, J. Lopes (G), M.K. Mattson-Hoss, J. Xu (*) and L.S. Hirst (*), Front. Mater., Anisotropy in deformable Biomaterials, 3, 6 (2016) Journal link G: Graduate student, Hirst lab & Xu lab *: Correspondence |
21. "Cooperative Protofilament Switching Emerges from Inter-Motor Interference in Multiple-Motor Transport", D. Ando, M. K. Mattson, J. Xu (*), A. Gopinathan (*), Sci. Rep., 4, 7255 (2014) PubMed *: Correspondence |
20. "Interplay between Velocity and Travel Distance of Kinesin-based Transport in the Presence of Tau", J. Xu (*), S.J. King, M. Lapierre-Landry (UG), B. Nemec (UG), Biophys. J., 105, L23 (2013) PubMed UG: Undergraduate student, Xu lab *: Correspondence |
19. "Tuning Multiple Motor Travel Via Single Motor Velocity", J. Xu (*), Z. Shu, S.J. King, S.P. Gross (*),Traffic, 13, 1198 (2012) PubMed *: Correspondence |
18. "Casein Kinase 2 Reverses Tail-Independent Inactivation of Kinesin-1", J. Xu, B.J.N. Reddy, P. Anand, Z. Shu, S. Cermelli, M.K. Mattson, S.K. Tripathy, M.T. Hoss, N.S. James, S.J. King, L. Bardwell, L. Huang, S.P. Gross, Nat. Commun., 3, 754 (2012) PubMed |
17. "Mechanical stochastic tug-of-war models cannot explain bidirectional lipid-droplet transport", A. Kunwar, S.K. Tripathy, J. Xu, M.K. Mattson, P. Anand, R. Sigua, M. Vershinin, R.J. McKenney, C.C. Yu, A. Mogilner, S.P. Gross, , PNAS, 108, 18960 (2011) PubMed |
Published before Jing Joined UC Merced:
16. "Biophysics of Dynein In Vivo", J. Xu, S.P. Gross, Dyneins: Structure, Biology and Disease, (Elsevier), Editor Stephen M. King (2011) Book Link |
15. "A Cytoplasmic Dynein Tail Mutation Impairs Motor Processivity", K.M. Ori-McKenney (**), J. Xu (**), S.P. Gross, R.B. Vallee, Nat. Cell Biol., 12, 1228 (2010) PubMed **: Co-Primary
14. "Consequences of Motor Copy Number on the Intracellular Transport of Kinesin-1-Driven Lipid Droplets", G.T. Shubeita, S.L. Tran, J. Xu, M. Vershinin, S. Cermelli, S.L. Cotton, M.A. Welte, S.P. Gross, Cell, 135, 1098 (2008) PubMed
13. "BicaudalD Actively Regulates Microtubule Motor Activity in Lipid Droplet Transport", K.S. Larsen, J. Xu, S. Cermelli, Z. Shu, S.P. Gross, PLoS ONE, 3, e3763 (2008) PubMed |
12. "Stepping, Strain Gating, and an Unexpected Force-Velocity Curve for Multiple-Motor-Based Transport", Kunwar, M. Vershinin, J. Xu, S.P. Gross, Curr. Biol., 18, 1173 (2008) PubMed |
11. "Tuning Microtubule-Based Transport Through Filamentous MAPs: The Problem of Dynein", M. Vershinin (**), J. Xu (**), D.S. Razafsky, S.J. King, S.P. Gross, Traffic, 9, 882 (2008) PubMed **: Co-Primary |
10. "0.15 - 3.72 Terahertz Absorption of Aqueous Salts and Saline Solutions", J. Xu, K.W. Plaxco, S.J. Allen, J.E. Bjarnason, E.R. Brown, , Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 031908 (2007) Journal link |
9. "The Collective Dynamics of Lysozyme in Water: Terahertz Absorption Spectroscopy and Comparison with Theory", J. Xu (*), K.W. Plaxco, S.J. Allen, , J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 24255 (2006) Journal link *: Correspondence |
8. "Probing the Collective Vibrational Dynamics of a Protein in Liquid Water by Terahertz Absorption Spectroscopy", J. Xu (*), K.W. Plaxco, S.J. Allen, Protein Sci., 15, 1175 (2006) PubMed *: Correspondence |
7. "Absorption Spectra of Liquid Water and Aqueous Buffers between 0.3 - 3.72 Terahertz", J. Xu (*), K.W. Plaxco, S.J. Allen, J. Chem. Phys., 124: 036101 (2006) PubMed *: Correspondence |
6. "Loss and Gain in Bloch Oscillating Super-Superlattices: THz Stark Ladder Spectroscopy", P. Robrish, J. Xu, S. Kobayashi, P.G. Savvidis, B. Kolasa, G. Lee, D. Mars, S.J. Allen, Physica E, 32, 325 (2006) Journal link |
5. "Terahertz Circular Dichroism of Biopolymers", J. Xu (*), J.F. Galan, G.J. Ramian, P.G. Savvidis, A.M. Scopatz (UG), R.R. Birge, S.J. Allen, K.W. Plaxco, Proc. SPIE, 5268, 19 (2004) Journal link UG: Undergraduate student *: Correspondence |
4. "Terahertz Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy: A Potential Approach to the In Situ Detection of Life’s Metabolic and Genetic Machinery", J. Xu, G.J. Ramian, J.F. Galan, P.G. Savvidis, A.M. Scopatz (UG), R.R. Birge, S.J. Allen, K.W. Plaxco, Astrobiology, 3, 489 (2003) PubMed UG: Undergraduate student |
3. "Temperature Dependence of Conductance Fluctuations in Quantum Hall Multilayers", H.A. Walling, E.G. Gwinn, J. Xu, K.D. Maranowski, A.C. Gossard, Phys. Rev. B, 70, 235343 (2004) Journal link |
2. "Measurement of Sky Surface Brightness Fluctuations at Lambda = 4 micrometer", J. Xu, J.J. Bock, K.M. Ganga, V. Gorjian, K. Uemizu, M. Kawada, A.E. Lange, T. Matsumoto, T. Watabe, Astrophys. J., 580, 653 (2002) Journal link |
1. "Far-Infrared Emissivity Measurements of Reflective Surfaces", J. Xu, A.E. Lange, J.J. Bock, 30th ESLAB Symposium, ESA SP-388, 69 (1996) PDF |